Although Charles Maas will not be doing the "fancy dance" he said he would do if he won $403 million from Powerball, he still won more than he ever has on the game in Saturday's drawing.
Charles won $50,000 after matching 4 of 5 numbers and the Powerball with a Quick Pick ticket purchased at Buehler’s IGA, 12500 N. Highway 41 North in Evansville. He checked the numbers in Sunday’s paper and knew he won, but wasn’t sure how much at first.
"I knew it would be enough to cover the gas to drive up to Indianapolis," Charles said.
After checking the Hoosier Lottery website, Charles realized he'd won $50,000 — more than enough for fuel to Indianapolis to claim his prize at Hoosier Lottery headquarters. However, he still wasn't convinced.
"I'll believe it when I see it," he joked of his prize money before his claim was processed.
Charles is a regular Powerball player and occasional Hoosier Lotto player. He plans to put his prize toward college funds for his grandchildren.
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