#powerball Tillamook woman wins Powerball prize on her birthday

June 10th, 2015

Melissa Lundy of Tillamook, Oregon got a big birthday surprise. While she was out for a birthday dinner, she checked her Powerball ticket and realized she had won $10,000.

"We scanned the ticket when I was out for dinner, and it said go to Salem, then I checked on my phone and couldn't believe it!" Lundy said. "I'm having a great birthday!"

Lundy's husband, Bobby, had a different perspective.

"It made my flowers look like chump change," he said. "But I'm not complaining."

The couple said they were going to take a Mexico vacation with the winnings.

This press release is mirrored from http://www.powerball.com/. We do not own a copyright on it and we are not the original press contact.


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