#powerball New London Resident Wins $1,000,000 Powerball® Prize on May 15

June 1st, 2013

When Edward "Eddy" Casper of New London visited CT Lottery headquarters in Rocky Hill yesterday, he joined Connecticut's growing list of lucky Powerball "Match 5" winners, increasing the total number of lucky wins to 17 since the new Powerball game began on January 15, 2012—13 were worth $1,000,000, plus another 4 that were Power Played® for the game's $2,000,000 prize.

The winning Powerball numbers drawn on Wednesday, May 15 were 2 - 11 - 26 - 34 - 41. Casper's "Quick Pick" ticket matched the first five numbers drawn, but missed the Powerball number, 32.

Accepting a prize check for $683,000 (value after taxes), Casper commented to Lottery officials that winning a $1,000,000 at this stage of his life was perfect. "Next February, I'll be retiring at 62 and moving to Florida. The money will help make retirement easier—a lot easier!"

Casper's $1,000,000 prize winning Powerball ticket was purchased at Sam's Food Store, located at 485 Ocean Avenue in New London.

This press release is mirrored from http://www.powerball.com/. We do not own a copyright on it and we are not the original press contact.


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Current Jackpot:
$142,000,000 on Wednesday February 12th, 2025

Highest Jackpot:
$1,900,000,000 on November 6th, 2022